策展人|Curator :
李书天 Li Shutian,谭洁阳 Tan Jieyang
艺术家|Artists :(按首字母排序 Sort by initials)
丛伟 Cong Wei, 戈子馀 Ge Ziyu, 胡胡 Hu Hu, 李建鹏 Li Jianpeng, 李晶 Li Jing, 李星亭 Li Xingting, 刘威 Liu Wei, 钱元周 Qian Yuanzhou, 邵丰田 Shao Fengtian, 孙策 Sun Ce, 王宝良 Wang Baoliang, 王凯 Wang Kai, 王旭 Wang Xu, 魏瑶 Wei Yao, 邬秉豫 Wu Bingyu, 吴斌 Wu Bin, 邢彦超 Xing Yanchao, 杨东谕 Yang Dongyu, 余春 Yu Chun, 张巧然 Zhang Qiaoran, 赵阳 Zhao Yang, 张钊瀛 Zhang Zhaoying
艺术总监|Exhibition Coordinator:
胡雷 Hu Lei
开幕酒会|Opening Reception:
2018.12.22 15:00
Dec.22 2018 @15:00
展览时间|Exhibition period:
Dec.22 2018-Jan.06 2019
展览空间|Exhibition location:
中国美客美术馆 Chinese Maker Gallery
展览地址|Exhibition Address:
Chinese Maker Art Creative Industrial Park. North Ziwei Road Changqing District, Jinan, Shandong
Yi Chuang Yi Mei Education Technology Co, Ltd.
20十艺术计划 20+ Art Planning
八目设计事务所 Bamouo Design Studio
美术空间 Fine Art Space
北京艺空间 Beijing Art-Space
北京马上画科技有限公司 Beijing Draw at Once Technology Co, Ltd.
When the pluralism of contemporary has developed into normalcy, Jinan, a city located in the China inland area, is losing the unique advantage gradually in the urbanization process. Therefore, the exhibition location is in the city of springs, aiming to represent the voice of the town in the Chinese contemporary art context. We are looking forward to having impact and communication with the ancient city through the text method and motivating the investigation from kinds of aspects.
The exhibition invites twenty-two Chinese artists with their artworks. The pieces adopt plenty of expression medium such as frame painting, installation, video, etc. attempting to display the artists’ artistic identification of region, environment, and life in multilevel comprehensively. The exhibition also tries to built an emotional interlinkage with the city, Jinan, through an artistic manifestation mode.
Plasma, as a physical concept, is a new material form, which is separated from the traditional cognition of the three forms, solid, liquid and gas. The artists use their personal creative aspect, combining with kinds of media, to represent their personality. At the same time, they transmit themselves in the overlapping and quantitative change of physics, time and experience, finding and feeling the dimensional system of the exhibition of Plasma.
丛伟 迁徙时代3 素描纸本 31×41cm 2017
戈子馀 空书系列之二 宣纸,墨 170×60cm 2018
胡胡 离别是一轮新月 70×70cm 布面油画 2017
李建鹏 点状物No.12 布面丙烯 40×50cm 2018
李晶 断句的诗 布面油画 50cm×60cm 2018
李星亭 宠物2 铜版 9×9cm 2017
刘威 Stand 布面丙烯 70×50cm 2018
钱元周 Winter in Minneapolis 石板印刷 36×28cm 2017
邵丰田 创与受2 布面油画,喷漆 120×90cm 2017
孙策 空白11号 布面油画 120×110cm 2015
王宝良 西绪福斯式幸福 60×20×20cm 装置 2018
王凯 一亩三 装置 尺寸可变 2018
王旭 肖像:一个坏画家 布面油画 130×97cm 2018
魏瑶 告别-蔓延 国画 50×50cm 2018
邬秉豫 行走的花园 装置,100块瓷板画 2016
吴斌 枯寂风景1 布面油彩 100×81cm 2018
邢彦超 共浴组画序列九·对话 纸本水墨 200×160cm 2016
杨东谕 乘风 纸本水墨 200×155cm 2016
余春 上帝在下 铜板蚀刻 17×17cm 2017
张巧然 指缝 纸本 39×27cm 2018
张钊瀛 大家都在看着呢 布面油彩 150×100cm 2016
赵阳 无事涉步之麻将 数码版画 20×15cm 2016