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发表日期:2017-10-22 18:52| 来源 :本站


 "不一" 姚兴文、圣兰-"双个展"

  BU YI/Duet Expo MrYaoXingwen & Shenglan


  Hosted by:798 Newsun Art Gallery


  Opening Ceremony: 16pm, July 24., 2016


  Expo Date: July 24~~Aug 2,2016


  Venue: 798 Newsun Art Gallery, No 2 Jiuxianqiao Rd., Chaoyang District, Beijing


  Co-Organized by:Beijing Songzhuang Art Development Fundation\Songzhuang Art Forum\ym-China.com\ccart.com\Bee Bookstore\ColrElefante, Spain\Shanghai M50 JIQINGLIULIU Art Space\Contemporary Art\Yanjiao Art Gallery\Yaoshi Joint Investment Management Co. Ltd.




  Academic Supervisor:XiaoQianfu




  Executive Organizer: Ma Tianchan


  Media Coordinator: Haidong


  Track Media:Artron.net\ym-China.com \ ccart.com\ Naxian TV \Today the Headline





  在我们的时代一度被庞大虚无攻池掠地,被信息爆炸震荡得尸骨无存,在我们的时代,这种丰盛对生活而言更像严酷的冬天。绘画和艺术工作者的工作一再地变成精神遗嘱。而感性,再感性一点,对日常之物,对园子里的每一株植物,每一周遭之物,分分秒秒,均欲相遇而停留得久一点,让生活再真实一点,因此,在现在,艺术不再是拔高,而是让我们慢下来,让我们还能体验生活的真真切切,实实在在,艺术还能让我们体验到像一个手艺匠人那样慢慢地精挑细选的在岁月的波光中淌翔。我们和我们脱节了,我们和自然脱节了,我们和我们应该关联在一起的一切脱节了。因此,我们开始对生活着的和正在活生生体验的而不是被知识与概念拥堵的寄生体的回归充满期待。不一就是这个意思。我们希望通过时代的这种落差反观我们的生活,人生的确如严酷的冬天,而我们最终要的是冬天所有权。?老姚,一个声名有闻于西安老城的厨子,餐馆老板,同时也是一名多年混迹于汉字艺术圈的老鬼。在食物、饥饿与艺术之间,一直拥有沧海横流,丰饶而充沛的感知能力,一如其硕大如塔的身躯。当他放弃一切,裸身进入宋庄时(除一辆除了司机不响其它零部件都响的陕牌吉普),他剩下的就是最后的可能会被背叛的精神遗嘱――??地做回自己,当他拉开与西安古城的距离静坐西来堂开始回顾自己的一生时,诗歌,艺术开始倒灌:一个名叫“穆旦计划”的系列作品开始诞生了,她像魔鬼一样丰富,在生活、诗性、绘画中完成了,这个东西成了。他所有的感知就像他本人一样贴切真实,疏朗,开阔,硕大无朋则又曲径通幽。?作为不一双个展中的另一位主角,圣兰,其名如圣书中的兰花,神圣之花,她有另一个精神维度,笃信基督,画众人的艰辛,苦难,撕裂,一切生而为人的遭遇一一描摩。她不是在讲自己的故事,是讲了来去时光中成千上万个真实魂灵的故事,从皇室贵胄到贫愚残弱,知识捆绑文化重塑荣耀蛊惑死亡的终极等待。在柔弱无奈之外一直有另一个无敌无友的她,对于命运她用放大镜看,用望远镜看,用哈哈镜看,用仿真镜看,只有明晰世界,才能更真切去爱去行走,不堕落不绝望不被所有打败是扎根泥土的力量。 她在和瞬间一次又一次礼别。</span>

  Preface By Xiao Qianfu

  With the huge nothingness grazing in our era and the information explosionoverwhelming in our time, the abundance of life is more like a harsh winter. Paintersand artists have repeatedly become mental and spiritual will. Then, a little bit of emotion of us to everything, to each plant in the garden and each object lingers and stays a little longer, thus making our life a real point. Therefore, in the present time,the art is no longer overstating, but slow our pace, so that we can really experience real life; in reality, the art can make us feel like a craftsmen who are delicate choosersin our years. We are out of touch with ourselves, with nature, with all what we should be linked together. Therefore, we start to Xperience and are to Xperience rather than being the full Xpectations of return of congestion of knowledge and concepts of the parasitic body. BUYI IS IT! We hope that our life can be well reflected through the difference and the contrast. Life is indeed like the cold winter, and what we want isthe biggest stake in it.

  ? “Old Yao” is a Xi'an-based restaurant owner and also a foodie who is famous for combining art and elegance into meals and teas. At the same time, he is also a veteran in the circle of Chinese Character arts. He always owns a continuous and vast awareness of art and delicacies. When he left everything behind to go to Songzhuang. Beijing years ago, the only thing with him was his spiritual will to be himself isolatedly. When he distanced himself from one ancient city to another ancient city only to think back all his life, with his whole career of arts and poetry rewinding. A big plan named 'the Scheme of Mu Dan' was then born to the world, which is abundant like myths, poetical like legends, authentic like our humorous founder ~~“Old Yao”.

  ? As another protagonist in this duet exhibition, Ms Shenglan, literally connotatingholy orchid, the sacred flower, has another spiritual dimension, a devout Christian. She must recognize Satan's face. She paints all the hardship, suffering, tears of people encountered by her. She's not telling her own story, but stories of tens of thousands of the true spirit of the time, from the royal nobles to the poor and the fool, an attempt ofthe elucidation of doomed day about knowledge, culture, glory and death. Hidden in the weak and helpless appearance is an invincible soul without a friend nor a foe, who tries to see through her fate by means of a magnifying glass, a telescope, or asimulating mirror, only through which can a clear world be discovered, can we truly love to walk without falling or despairing as ours is rooted in the strength of soil. Again and again she is saying goodbye to this moment.

参展艺术家作品欣赏<br />

参展艺术家 圣兰




参展艺术家 姚兴文</span>

姚兴文 穆旦计划系列作品

姚兴文 穆旦计划系列作品

姚兴文 穆旦计划系列作品

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