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发表日期:2024-05-27 20:33| 来源 :环球文化艺术网

北京宋庄当代艺术文献馆于2024年5月24日至6月23日期间,隆重举办备受瞩目的国际艺术展览 [欧洲视野:中国的欧洲艺术万花筒]。本次展览由享有盛誉的德国帕什米艺术联盟和北京尚泉美术馆有限公司联合举办,将呈现来自14个国家的29位艺术家的200余件当代艺术作品,为观众呈现一场充满灵感的视觉盛宴。

From May 24 to June 23, 2024, the Songzhuang Contemporary Art Archive Museum in Beijing is hosting the highly anticipated international art exhibition [Eurovision- A Kaleidoscope of European Art in China]. This exhibition, organized by the esteemed Pashmin Art Consortia and Beijing Prospring Art Museum Co., Ltd, will showcase more than 200 contemporary artworks by 29 artists from 14 countries, presenting a visually inspiring feast for the audience.

策展人 努尔·努里先生

Curator: Mr. Nour Nouri

策展人 胡冰權女士

Curator: Mrs. Hu Bing Quan

宋庄当代艺术文献馆馆长 胡介报先生

Director of Song Zhuang Contemporary Art Archive: Mr. Hu Jie Bao

奥地利大使馆的代表 Christian Mandel先生

Representative of the Austrian Embassy: Mr. Christian Mandel

瑞士大使馆的代表 Juri Mischler 先生

Representative of the Swiss Embassy: Mr. Juri Mischler

[中国的欧洲艺术万花筒] 是深受观众喜爱的《欧洲视野》同系列展览,一系列引人入胜的艺术作品展现欧洲大陆的多种文化、风格和艺术愿景。 观众将在这场别具一格的展览中,感受到不同的创作视角,体验到跨文化交流的独特魅力。

[A Kaleidoscope of European Art in China] is a beloved part of the [Eurovision] series of exhibitions, featuring captivating artworks that display the diverse cultures, styles, and artistic visions of the European continent. In this unique exhibition, the audience will experience different creative perspectives and the unique charm of cross-cultural exchange.


Photo of the Participating Artists


Participating Artist

策展团队由努尔·努里(Nour Nouri)和胡冰權(Bing Quan Hu)领衔,联合来自德国、中国和美国的策展人共同合作,包括Davood Khazaie博士、谷澍(Kenny Gu)馆长和MIR评估总监Farhad Radfar。他们将以其专业知识和策展经验,精心打造出一组超越地理界限的多元化艺术展览,为观众带来一场无与伦比的艺术之旅。

The curatorial team is led by Mr. Nour Nouri and Mrs. Hu Bing Quan, in collaboration with curators from Germany, China, and the United States, including Dr. Davood Khazaie, Kenny Gu (Director of SCA museum), and Farhad Radfar (MIR Evaluation Director). With their expertise and curatorial experience, they have meticulously crafted a diverse art exhibition that transcends geographical boundaries, bringing an unparalleled artistic journey to the audience.


Photos From the Exhibition Site

策展团队的主创努尔·努里和胡冰權在开幕式中表示: “《欧洲视野—中国的欧洲艺术万花筒》不仅是艺术展示,更是一次文化对话。艺术是桥梁,把我们聚在一起。通过艺术,我们探索人、地域和文化之间的联系,打开心扉、启发了思想,让来自不同文化背景下的人们,有了更深的理解,更好的友谊。”

At the opening ceremony, chief curators Mr. Nour Nouri and Mrs. Hu Bing Quan remarked: “[A Kaleidoscope of European Art in China] is not just an art exhibition; it is a cultural dialogue. Art is a bridge that brings people together. Through art, we explore the connections between people, places, and cultures, opening our hearts, inspiring our minds, and fostering deeper understanding, and better friendships among people from different cultural backgrounds.”


Photos From the Exhibition Site


Representatives from the Swiss Embassy and the Austrian Embassy have also attended the exhibition and have expressed their high praise and congratulations for the event.


Photos From the Exhibition Site


[A Kaleidoscope of European Art in China] will provide art lovers with an intimate opportunity to connect with world-class artworks, experience the unique charm of European art, and savor the boundless power of art that transcends borders and connects the world. This exhibition will run until June 23, 2024 (closed on Mondays).

环球文化艺术网电话:010-89819999 地址:北京市南三环南曦大厦备案号:京ICP备15029623号-2